Sunday, August 13, 2006

New Swim Gear

I wish I had my camera with me this afternoon. We visited a friend who is anxiously waiting to travel to China to pick up her 3-year-old. She has a pool and the girls were so excited to hear that we would be swimming in a big pool. Of course, this necessitated a trip to Target (my favorite store) to get water wings, goggles, and floaties and other swim toys.

On the way home the girls just crashed in the back seat they were worn out from the fun in the sun. They had insisted on wearing the purple swim goggles I got them for the ride home. I opened all of the windows and the sunroof so their hair was blowing like crazy around their heads. One minute I look back and they are giggling and pointing at each other and the next they are dead asleep with their purple swim goggles on. They looked so cute. Unfortunately, they were also very cranky when they got home. I guess you can have too much fun.

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