Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Dora To The Rescue

Maggie is still fretting over having to walk into her school by herself. She cried and cried last night over the thought that she didn't know the way and she might get lost. For those of you who don't know who Dora is, she is a kids cartoon character that has lots of adventures in the woods and her best friend is "Map," Well, both Maggie and Ellie just love Dora so I sat down with Maggie this morning while she was eating breakfast and drew her a map for getting to her classroom. She was sooooooo excited to have her own map. You would have thought I had given her the moon...then, not to be left out, I had to draw Ellie a map for her school. I can't even begin to describe how goofy we looked walking down the hallway into Ellie's classroom very slowly studying our map the whole way. I had to point out the kitchen, the door, the curve...and Ellie was holding it right in front of her the whole way lifting her head up and down checking my landmarks against the map. I'm sure everyone thought we were freaks. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This just proves that they are members of our family!

Grampy loved maps, Dad (AKA, Uncle Jack) loves maps, and I have the addiction too.

Give me an atlas and I'm happy for hours.
